Monuments in Krakow
May 9, 2016 admin 0 Comments
Poland is a beautiful country, there is a lot of places worth to be seen. Post industrial Lodz, Mash of modern and historical architecture in Wroclaw, or giant Warsaw. But if you are looking for the monuments in Krakow you will find a lot of it. This former capital of Poland is one of the most magical cities not only in Poland, but in entire Europe.
First of all you really need to go to the old town. No matter which season of the year is, the beauty of the square is the same. On the middle of it, you will find spectacular, early Gothic church named Mariacki. It looks in the inside as good as in the outside, so even though you need to pay for entrance, you should go. The stained glasses in there are splendorous. One hundred meters from this temple, you will see Sukiennice, old market place. This kind of building was very popular in European cities, back in Medieval and Renaissance era. But this one in Krakow is one of the biggest. You should go to see, especially that inside you will find plenty of little shops with souvenirs. The last but not least – Royal Castle. This old building is situated near to the square, at small hill of Wawel. You could visit it from the inside, price of ticket is very low. This building was created back in Middle ages, but it was rebuild several times, so it has influences from couple styles in architecture. Nowadays, most of the chambers are open for visitors to see. You can watch how royal family back in renaissance was living.
But monuments in Krakow are not only connected with architecture, not at all. In Royal Museum, for instance, you could admire spectacular exhibition of polish the most famous and talented painters. And not only them, also one of the most popular pieces – Lady with an Ermine, by Leonardo da Vinci, is located there for instance. If you are fan of an art, you could visit couple small galleries of modern artist, you will be able to buy something as well. If you like to feel the spirit of older Krakow, you need to visit Kazimierz. This district was created by polish king Kazimierz the Great, to give some nice pace for Jews to live. But after few hundred of years, it became very important part of the city. Even now, dozens years after World War Two, you could visit some old workshops, like barber, watchmaker or carpenter. And the spirit of intellectual district is still alive there. In Kazimierz, you could visit one of many bookstores, or grab a coffee in one of the numerous bistro next to the Synagoga.
Monuments in Krakow are very numerous. Beautiful architecture, a lot of art gallery, the spirit of historical city. If you are planning to visit Poland, Krakow should be your first step.