Tourist attractions in Paris
June 15, 2016 admin 0 Comments
The most famous place in entire Europe is Paris, definitely. Most of Americans think, that it is a capital of Old Continent. Nothing surprising in that, during many decades and centuries, it was the most important cultural place in whole world, all famous writers and painters use to live there, architecture of Paris was their inspiration. Nowadays, magic is still around there. If you are planning to have some longer weekend in any interesting metropolis in Europe, you need to choose this city, especially if you have never been there before. You will be ensorcelled, it is guaranteed.
True signature of Paris is Eiffel Tower, for sure, it was build in late nineteenth century for World Fair, and it was supposed to be dismantle after it, but it wasn’t. And thanks to that, most of the people in entire world know this object. It looks far much better when you are seeing it on your own eyes, and the panorama from the top of it is spectacular. You can climb there by feet – it is much less costly and faster (smaller queues), or you could use an elevator- it is your call. At the second floor, you could stand on the glass ground – if you dare, it very scary. Also, you could grab a beer in there or have some delicious lunch with a view. Another nice thing to visit in Louvre – the same building in witch you could find all those objects of arts. It use to be a resident of royal family (before Versaille). At the front of it, you could admire spectacular pyramid, made entirely of glass and steel.
Another interesting district in Paris is Montmartre, former artistic area. It use to be a place, where all of famous writers and painters use to live. It is situated on the mountain, so if you decide to take a walk along those narrow street in there, you will feel like back in late eighteenth century. Also, very popular Place Pigalle is situated in there, with famous Moulin Rouge theater. You could watch some play inside, or just take a picture before it. But while you are visiting this area, you need to climb at the top of this hill, you will find there another signature of Paris – Basilica Sacre Coeur. This Catholic church was build in the second part of nineteenth century, and it looks amazing. But in front of it, you could spend nice time, eating some lunch on the grass, with amazing view on the whole city.
Paris is the city, in which you may spend entire month and you still won’t have enough. But even if you have only longer weekend to spend, it is totally worth it. So find cheap tickets to France and visit this spectacular capital.