
The best places in the world

One week in Moscow

November 10, 2017 admin 0 Comments

Russia is a country with long and interesting history. Trough many centuries it use to be a Tsardom, but since the beginning of century communism appear. Moscow, the capital of this country was a witness of all those moments in history. That is why if you are visiting this beautiful city for holidays, you can count on plenty of attractions.

Architecture of capital

Sightseeing in Moscow is very pleasant, mostly because of beautiful architecture, which we can see in there. The most popular building in there is Saint Basil Cathedral, with amazing, colorful gazebos. You can visit this church also inside, but only when there is no mass going on. Entire Red Place, on which cathedral is situated, is filled with Moscow 2great architecture. Another piece is Lobnoye Mesto, ruins of old building, where all the tsar’s laws were declared. Close to the Red Place we can notice Creml, the head quarter of Russian leaders, constructed in classical style. A lot less conventional, but also interesting in Mausoleum of Lenin. Inside of it you can actually see remains of Vladimir Lenin, which were embalmed after his dead.

Art world in Moscow

Capital of Russia is also important cultural center in this part of the world. Great exhibitions we can find in Pushkin Museum, we can admire in there great example of European Paintings, like works of Gaugin, Matisse, Picasso or Modigliani. Also this museum has large collection of ancient remains, named Priam’s Treasure. If you like to see the most important painters in Russian history, don’t forget to visit Tretyakov’s Gallery, started by this art collector in the middle of nineteenth century. It contains work of artists, such as Rublow, Lewitan, Pierow and Szyszkin. In Moscow you can also meet private galleries, in which modern art is exhibited, mostly designed by local artists.

Another important attractions

Moscow is huge archive of history, not only Russian, but also Polish or Ukrainian. You can see great examples of it in National History Museum. It is located into interesting building, created in national Russian style of architecture. You can see in there old pages from newspapers, manuscripts and a lot of various documents.

People who are into military history should visit proper gallery in Kremlin Armory. In there you will see interesting guns from each period of history. Another great place in capital is Darwin’s Museum, it is amazing exhibition of natural history, one of the biggest collection like that on entire world.

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