Show your kids your country!
July 23, 2016 admin 0 Comments
There are many Polish expats in the United Kingdom. In many cases, they have been living and working there for so long, that they children were born abroad and they treat English culture and language as their own. There is nothing wrong about it. However, it might be worth to make sure, that your children are familiar with the country and culture their parent comes from. The perfect opportunity to do it, is to organize a holiday trip.
All you have to do now is to book airline tickets London – Krakow. Why Krakow? Because this Polish city is full of tradition and extremely interesting activities and sights for everybody. Even if it is not your home town, do not worry. The most important thing now is to show your children Polish culture and tradition. Krakow seems to be a perfect place to do it in the most interesting and engaging possible way. Once you are there, your children will have a chance to try all traditional meals, you most probably do not prepare anymore at home. Let them bigos, gulasz, zurek and so on. If they don’t like – that is fine. The most important thing is to try! Obviously, we cannot forget about famous oscypek! Another great thing that might arise from the trip to Poland is Polish language. Many children raised abroad do not want to speak Polish, as they find it difficult and … even useless, as everybody in their surrounding speak and understand English. Trip to Poland might enhance them to start to use the language again. For example, while playing in the playground, it will be probably necessary to communicate with other children!
Furthermore, booking airline tickets London – Krakow might create a perfect opportunity for the history lesson. Obviously, it will depend on how old your children are. If they are young, you will most probably present them the history about the dragon, while taking them to the Wawel castle and dragon’s lair. However, if you children are already teenagers, it might be worth to consider presenting them the most serious and important history. For example, you can take them to the Jewish district and cemetery. Such visit will enable them to become familiar with tragic history of Poland during the Second World War. There are also some attractions that are perfect for the whole family regardless the age of the children, as for example, wandering around the beautiful Old Town and Kazimierz. One thing is sure – such trip would be an unforgettable and very emotional experience both for you and for you children!