
The best places in the world

New way of planning your holiday

June 30, 2016 admin 0 Comments

Many people, while planning their holidays, chose mostly foreign destinations, located abroad. It might be understandable, as it is always good to know new cultures and places. However, many people who often travel abroad, do not know much about their own country. Very often it seems to them that it is not worth to “waste” their holiday for cities in their own country. In consequence, they hardly visit them as tourists, with the intension to discover local history and cuisine. Many people think that every city in their country is so similar that it is pointless to discover them. That is wrong. Many cities  have their unique climate, local history and dishes you cannot try anywhere else.
cemetery-1059171_640Therefore, it is worth to consider totally new way of planning your holiday. It might bring plenty of benefits not only for you, but also for your children, as it will enable you to show them that it is worth to discover new countries, but at the same time, it is important to discover and treasure cities in your own country. Imagine, that during the one trip you can discover Katowice and foreign city, for example Vienna. You are probably wonder how to do it during just one holiday? And if it is even possible? Yes it is!  Imagine the following scenario. Instead of taking the flight from your home town, you take a train to other city in your country, for example Katowice. You spend there an amazing day, visiting National Symphony Orchestra of the Polish Radio and Silesian Insurgents’ Monument. Next day, you wander around Kosciuszko Park and, while having a nice picnic there, you discover with you children the local history of Katowice. Later on, in the evening, you go to the airport and take a flight to the next destination – Vienna.  Once you are there, you visit everything that previously planned – Schloss Schönbrunn, Naschmarkt & Brunnenmarkt and some of the most amazing museums. Doesn’t this idea sound good? Obviously it does!

Therefore, this short article aims at convincing you to modify your way of spending the holiday. You do not have to focus only on one destination. You can combine it! Including visiting the city in your country on the way to the city abroad, is an amazing idea! First of all, you are already in a holiday moon. Thanks to this, you will be able to approach Katowice with the tourist’s attitude, which enable to stay more curious and more open for any new experience. Secondly, you will be able to show your children that to see beautiful places, they do not have to go as far as Vienna, as they are also in our own country!


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