Interesting spots in Vienna
June 10, 2016 admin 0 Comments
Since there are cheap airline tickets available, people from Poland are traveling whole around the Europe. We are visiting our relatives abroad, having vacations in Spain or longer weekend in Paris. But one of the nicest but forgotten cities in Old Continent is Vienna, the capital of Austria. This magnificent place is filled with interesting buildings and popular tourist destinations. And no matter if you are young or older, couple in love or family with children – everyone will find something for themselves in Vienna.
If you are a fan of spectacular architecture, you need to see Schonbrunn Palace, definitely. This amazing structure was build in eighteenth century and it is excellent example of Baroque movement in this part of Europe. It was the favorite residence of emperor Mary Theresa, she is resposnible for most of decorations. Nowadays it looks exact the same as in this period, most of the chambers are open for visitors to see, but this options is payable. You will be able to admire there beautiful interior design in Rococo style. One of the most popular signature of Vienna is Cathedral of Saint Stephen. It is situated right in the middle of the older district of the city, it is one of the biggest churches in entire Europe and spectacular example of Gothic architecture. But interior is not typical for this Medieval period – it was renovated in rich-full, Baroque style, it is true masterpiece. Even if you are nor believer, you are able to step inside, but make sure you are dress up properly, it is temple after all.
If you are traveling with your children, you can visit zoologist garden in Vienna, one of the biggest in entire Europe. You will be able to see there plenty of interesting spices, like panda or koala bear, giraffes, lions tigers and plenty of different primates. Also, for the youngest visitors, there is a open section with small mammals that your kids may feed if they like. If you get hungry after many hours of walking, you could sit down and relax in one out of many restaurants, and eat some delicious meal. And if you like to have another nice day, you need to go to Wiener Prater, city amusement park. You will find there the biggest of big wheels in this part of Europe. It is very slow, so you will be able to enjoy up there spectacular panorama over the Vienna. Also, there are plenty of different carroulsels available both for children and older people.
Vienna is very magical place, where spectacular architecture meets great adventures in zoologist garden or amusement park. You could also see some nice pieces of art, grab a delicious meal or tasty beer. This city is really worth to be seen.